“Janabalaya Kolambata”; Where, When and What Can We Do?
“Janabalaya Kolambata” – the Joint Opposition (JO) political alliance’s mass rally takes place in Colombo today (September 5th).
September 5, 2018
10:08 am
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යන තැන නොදැන කොළඹ එන “ජනබලය”
ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂය සංවිධානය කරන “ජනබලය කොළඹට” විරෝධතාව අද කොළඹ දි පැවැත්වෙනවා.
September 5, 2018
8:30 am
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Ponnusamy (Narahenpita)
Honestly, there really was no need to write this review in the first place because Ponnusamy is essentially part of the same, dinghy building at
September 5, 2018
6:08 am
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Vasantha Bhavan (Narahenpita)
The Vasantha Bhavan/Ponnusamy sister outlets first set up shop at Horton Place about a year ago. They're a worldwide outlet that specialises in North/South Indian
September 5, 2018
6:00 am
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