Eat Street CMB drops by every once in a while and the more sane half of Colombo that follows the rule of "fries rule all" go crazy! I mean, why not? A whole road dedicated to eating is everyone's idea of what heaven is like, no matter how much in denial you may be about how the food is greasy and is not fit to eat.
Every once in 3 or 4 months we watch as Green Path turns from being the one road in Colombo without traffic to one of the busiest streets in the country. Fairy lights, colourful tents, fumes from BBQ stalls all over and of course, a stream of food-loving individuals, Eat Street CMB is – in essence, brings to life some of the nicer days in Colombo. Mainly because of how much food is involved.
The August segment of Eat Street dawned as a bright new day of tents, food and a whole load of Coca-Cola. To those of you who happened to drop in around the area, you already know what's up. For the rest of you – here's the tea!
"The Spin Wheel"
Walking into Eat Sreet CMB this time was a tad different from other times where you're shoved headfirst into a stream of food. Here, we had a Coca-Cola stall right at the entrance giving every individual who registered themselves for the "Digital Spin Wheel" with an array of goodies.
Caps, soft toys, travelling bags and T-shirts, the Coca-Cola "Digital Spin Wheel" guaranteed that everyone who participated was a winner.
No matter how cool it is to win a T-shirt with a minimum level of effort, the real star of the day was probably the food. If you've ever been to Eat Street, you already know that Eat Street CMB offers one of the biggest varieties of food to go all out on. From delicious pani puri to steaming noodles to chocolate smothered crepes to sizzling BBQ meat sandwiches, the variety of food at Eat Street is good enough for any food lover, no matter how picky they are.
And the thing is if there's one thing that's probably better than the food itself, it's the option of testing yourself in free food challenges.
From Shawarma to Pizza,
the food challenges at Eat Street CMB allowed 6 people, of 3 girls and 3 guys (in one round) to take on the battle of eating a monstrous amount of food and a 400 ml bottle of Coca-Cola before every other person in the game to come down to 1 winner who took home the name of the winner of the challenge.
With the usual row of food stalls, people, challenges and gifts, Eat Street CMB was as eventful as a food festival could possibly get and it cannot get any better than this.
So, if you happened to miss it this particular time around, watch out for Eat Street CMB, the December edition for a foody, Coke filled holiday season!