Coming to work when it's raining sucks. Not only do you have to get up when your bed refuses to let you go, but also the combination of getting stuck in horrendous amounts of traffic while combatting urges by your pathetically weak bladder and getting sploshed on by prigs who don't know how to slow down when they get close to a puddle. And finally reaching your destination sopping wet only to freeze to death in the office A/C is probably the worst thing ever.
Thus we find ourselves right here in the worst possible mood, thinking about how you could be in bed watching the rain while binging your favourite show.
Don't worry, it's not just you. Cheering yourself up on days like this isn't the easiest and we don't think anything has the capacity to give your day a full 180 than food. So, here's a list of food to get your hands on when the clouds aren't so sunny.
Soup is a magical mixture of veggies and meat that's pretty much the cure for all the times you even remotely feel down. Aye, the most obvious on the list. Made with chicken, pumpkin or even just leeks, hot soup on a rainy day is literally the fastest way of getting over a rainy day. I mean, it's nothing new is it? Soup on a cold, wet day is the epitome of feel-good food.
If you want to know about some good places to grab soup from, have a look at our list.
Ice Cream
Ice cream on a rainy day is a pretty controversial topic. Not many mothers would give in for it. That being said, there's nothing better than ice cream to shiver your bones and sweeten your mood for the better. Just don't tell your mother and drink some hot water after.
Excessive amounts of Samahan
If you like me, who use public transport to get to work on a daily basis, you already know what's up. Rainy days are going to have you stuffing your purse and insides with endless packets of Samahan and hot water. Especially considering how the number of days left on your leave is almost up and you need the rest for the Christmas holidays. So, no matter how many jokes your co-workers make at your Samahan drinking habits, ignore them, friends. You can't afford to get sick now.
Instant Noodles
Instant Noodles is the best thing ever. Period! If you're one of those lucky folks who have the luxury of staying in your PJs watching reruns of Downton Abbey on days like this, get yourself a soupy noodle bowl of instant noodles, a teaspoon of chilli flakes and a buttload of grated cheese encasing the top (optional). Swiggly, warm and all in all delightful, instant noodles is the food of the rainy days and let no one tell you otherwise.
While being nothing close to good as instant noodles, pasta is also an equally good substitute as the food of the rainy day position. Warm, milky and beautifully cheesy, pasta has the capacity of being that wonderful middle ground between soup, cheese and instant noodles and is definitely worth looking out for.
Combined with the vast cancer-causing (according to my mother) instant noodles, it is the most beautiful thing your heart can imagine. Like soup, you already knew this was going to be on the list because of Tumblr talking about books and coffee with a dash on rain. And the thing is, they weren't wrong. Sharp, bitter and sweet, coffee (not koththamalli) is the best medicine for rainy day blues. Here's A – Z coffee in Colombo.
If you're not into coffee, you can go with tea too!
Picture this. You, a steaming plate of garlic bread and a giant bowl of thick chicken, beef, fish or whatever stew and a blanket. That is all.
Rice and Curry
You can't be Sri Lankan and not like rice and curry on a rainy day. No, we're not talking about that frozen block of food in your lunch bag, we're referring to that said block of rice before it decided to make a rather cold home for itself in its lunch sheet after braving your office A/C for more than a couple of hours. Either way, the point is, rice and curry, like porridge for white people, is comfort food at it's best and a steaming plate of rice with 4 or 5 spicy curries and papadum, we can all agree, is the best way of raising your mood on a rainy day.
Inguru Plain Tea
It's cold and a cup of ginger tea is bound to help with that slight itch in your throat from getting wet in the rain this morning.
Hot Chocolate
Whether it be for getting over an ex or recovering from a dementor attack, chocolate is everyone's golden ticket to feeling better ASAP. Which is essentially why they decided to make a warm drink of it with a smaller quantity of chocolate to be a hug in a cup on a rainy day; whether you're at work or not, it doesn't really matter. So, get a couple of marshmallows, and hopefully a decent-sized piece of cake and fix your rainy day right up.