YAMU started in July of 2012, so this isn’t quite a year in review. Here’s some of our favorites from the past 6 months.
Colombo’s Restaurant Graveyard
When we began Savan did two articles, one on Colombo’s Restaurant Immortals (the restaurants that seem to have been around forever) and another on the restaurants that disappeared – Colombo’s Restaurant Graveyard.
Power Cut Circus
There was also a time when we had like a week of power cuts, making it impossible to work. While it was happening we made this video, and an accompanying post – 10 Things To Do During Power Cuts.
The Lamprais Taste-Off
Around August we started doing a bunch of comparisons, starting with lamprais. We basically got a bunch of lamprais and tasted them. They were good, check out the full review – The Great Lamprais Taste-Off. It also ran in the Daily FT.
The Milo Challenge
Shruthi and Indi also compared various chocolate milky type drinks. We also got a ton of likes for a random photo of the Highland chocolate milk glass bottle.
Creepy Customer Service
Another favorite (by me, Indi) was a takedown of the creepy staff that follow you around at certain stores. Check out – Creepy Customer Service: Seriously, Stop Following Me.
And that’s our completely unscientific survey of the past year. Here’s to a great 2013.