On Hospital Road in Dehiwala, there is a somewhat awesome Feng Shui shop. Here you can get huge, weighty laughing Budai, dragon or pagoda statues, or amulets (including exam amulets) and books and content from Feng Shui Master Asiri Wanigaratne.
Feng Shui is an ancient art which, in modern times, has evolved into a mix of sensible design practices and superstition. Whatever your position on the actual efficacy of feng shui, the shop is full of interesting items.
We couldn’t take photos inside, which was a shame. It’s full of shiny gold items, Buddhas, pagodas, etc. You can get a small pagoda statue for about Rs. 1,000 or a big hefty dragon for Rs. 15,000. They also have various stones and books and stuff.
We’re not serious practitioners of Feng Shui but there are still some interesting fancy gift items here. If you want a more in-depth consultation for your home or office, the waiting list for founder Asiri Wanigaratne’s consulting services seems to be four months, according to their site. The place also seems to have like 20 branches, which is amazing.