Itsy Bitsy Cupcakes is another home-baker among Colombo’s many. They are super generous with icing, and get full points for presentation. If you want some beautiful looking cupcakes for a party, these guys do the job.
The Cupcakes
First off it has to be said that Itsy Bitsy has a really appetizing Facebook page, and the pretty pictures are accurate as well (just compare with the photos we took). There’s a minimum order of 12, so this will cost you about Rs. 1500-ish, but the good thing is you can vary-up your 12 like we did: we got vanilla, Oreo, the Chocolate Nuke (favourite!) and choco-banana. They do delivery.
What stood out about Itsy Bitsy cupcakes for us was how wonderfully generous they were with the icing. There’s as much icing as there is cake. The Oreo cupcake comes with half an Oreo biscuit sunk into creamy Oreo flavoured icing – awesomesauce if you’re a fan of the flavour.
We weren’t that impressed by the vanilla cupcakes, the cake was a teensy bit tougher than the other cupcakes (if you’re a vanilla fan, we recommend Ice N Easy who made it to our Top 5 list). Still, these are some very good looking cupcakes. The choco-banana cupcakes had a nice creamy topping of chocolate, and the banana flavour is strong so if you like fruit in your cake you’ll like it.
The Chocolate Nuke was da bomb. Like the Oreo, these cupcakes had giant heaps of icing on them, inclusive of chocolate cream, nuts and a Ferrero Rocher. Bite into the soft cake, and there’s a lovely gooey chocolate center, that fondly reminded us a little of Ambrosia.
Itsy Bitsy is good at what they do, and they clearly put a lot of effort into presentation. We think they’re ideal for party orders, and if you choose to get their stuff we recommend the chocolate-centered cupcakes.