This is (according to the aunty network)actually the predecessor of the currently more fashionable Raheem’s in Havelock Town. Apparently Raheem split from Raheema’s in some sort of Colombo couture-ial schism and in the process lost the A. While it is widely accepted that the schismatic Raheem’s are the better tailors Raheema’s offers better prices ie it’s cheaper. Based out of a long, slim premise under the Thurstan College swimming pool complex this is the place to go when you need a sari blouse for that wedding that isn’t too important, or a suit that well, just about gets the job done.
They have a good selection of fabric for keener prices than their competitors and are quite good at working to tight deadlines – though, especially on short deadlines, you can’t always expect a perfect fit.
Still for bespoke clothing, at a reasonable price from a central location Raheema’s is a pretty good option.