Pizza Hut introduced a cheesier and creamier pizza over the last few days, which is great with all the new stuff Colombo's been seeing — angry burgers, bubble tea, and now this.
We ordered it in (around Rs. 1400 for our BBQ chicken medium pizza), and here's a short review on expectations — based on the promo poster pictured below — and reality.
A thick, creamy layer of cheese sandwiched between dough and more cheese, and topped off with toppings of your choice (in our case, BBQ chicken and pineapples). Look at the promotional poster above for reference.
A rather small-ish pizza with a thick smattering of creamy, liquidy cheese (with a consistency of white sauce) poured over the middle of a regular pizza.
It wasn't bad, though. It certainly didn't live up to expectations of being a gloriously cholesterol-inducing cheese-fest, but it wasn't completely disappointing either.
The cheese topping was drippy, but it wasn't evenly spread out among the pizza, nor was it layered as pictured in the promo poster. It was however, creamy and cheesy, so think of it as less white sauce and more liquidized cream cheese.
This is your regular Pizza Hut pizza with a dollop of liquid cheese on top. At about Rs. 1400 for a medium pizza (and 'medium' being very small in our books), this doesn't really deliver value for money.