Sri Lankan Muslim Community invites all to join them for Iftar Once held but differed due to the pandemic, “Break-Fast at Sunset” will be held again on the 2nd of April 2023 at 5.30 p.m. at Independence Square to which an open invitation is being extended by the Sri Lankan Muslim Community to anyone free to join in the customs and traditions of Ramadan.
“This is an open invitation to our brothers and sisters in and around Colombo. In fact, we would love to have more participation from other communities/ faiths and the opportunity to host them, stressed a member of the organising committee.
The month of Ramadan sees a rise in activity amongst Muslims. Mostly, people see them flocking to mosques for prayers, but the month signifies much more than spiritual cleansing. It is equally meant to cleanse the character of a person by improving the quality of his/her relationships and transactions with those around them. Hence, breaking fast together or
facilitating it for others is considered one of the highest of good deeds and displays of exemplary character.
Prophet Muhammad – may peace be upon him – taught us that, “By his good character, a believer will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day”, said the committee member, adding that Ramadan is not only a month of fasting but also a month
of building the habits of giving, sharing, and practicing good character.
Talking about the event, he explained, “we expect to host circa 1,500 – 2,000 people for “Break-Fast At Sunset”. Given the location there will be ample parking, but everyone needs to be a little bit considerate when doing so. It will be simple, charm, and end within a short time with food being served at the location.”
He further explained that Prophet Muhammad – may peace be upon him – taught us that “There are three whose duas (prayers/ supplications) are not rejected – a just ruler, the prayer of the oppressed person, and that of a fasting person when he breaks his fast.” “We will be praying that evening for the well-being of our mother land and fellow Sri Lankans, for better times ahead economically, socially, and good health. Those joining us can unite in this prayer, he said.
The month of Ramadan is special to Muslims. They hold fast daily for 30 days and spend the nights in prayer. The month is rich with history of revelations from God and teachings of the Prophet. Hence, it is sought after by Muslims as a period to seek forgiveness and reflect on leading holistic lives in this world together with those around them and prepare for life in the hereafter.
On behalf of the Muslim Community, the organisers extended its thanks to the relevant authorities who facilitated the event including the Ministry of Public Administration and Colombo Municipal Council and those who supported to arrange the logistics and event co-ordination.